Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thank God It's Friday!! (T.G.I.F.) In kamloops.

               In these complex modern times, going out in the town is a way to enjoy the weekend and escape boredom. This gives people something interesting to update their Facebook profile on and generally relieve stress. Going out to bars and nightclubs has certainly grown in popularity in recent times. This is becoming increasingly popular in small and medium-sized towns.
                The experience here in Kamloops BC where I currently reside is no exception to the rule. Places like the Cactus Jacks Saloon (CJs to its adoring patrons)  give new meaning to the phrase "Thank God it's Friday". Students and workers alike (who make up a fair size of the towns general population) always look forward to the weekend in other to relieve the stress of a tough and demanding week in their respective schools and workplaces, have drinks (even get drunk in some cases) and CJs is like the towns watering hole.
              So one might ask, what is it about Fridays that just has people going through different emotions? On Fridays, some people are reluctant to go to work, or school in the case of students. On the other hand, some folks are usually in jovial moods and it's almost infectious. I can understand the fact that its the last of the five working days (many work on Saturdays too) but there's just that innate feeling everyone gets on a Friday afternoon/evening that makes them very impatient to get away from wherever they are and just get the evening started. Most students at school would rather have an emergency appointment with the dentist than have classes on Friday afternoons. Drinking and parting await. Funny enough, for a student, the weekend is never really that long because assignments, tests and quizzes have a funny way of creeping up on you before the weekend is over.

                  What is it about Fridays? Don't get me wrong folks. I love Fridays, I'm probably the biggest culprit when it comes to the TGIF concept. Going out to bars and clubs is stuff I find difficult not to do Friday nights. I just don't understand why. I just discipline myself when I have to and put my foot down if I don't want to go out, but there's just something unexplainable about Fridays.I've thought about it long and hard but can't come up with any satisfactory answer to me. What do you think folks? Drop your comments below. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I just want to inform you that I, with attribution to you, used your beautiful graphic in this blogpost on Thank God its Friday.

    I hope you don't mind.

    the link to it is here:
